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Professor, Adjunct Research Fellow, School of Health Science, Swinburne University of Technology

Alan is a neurophysiologist who's primary research focus is on sports-related concussion. Specifically his research program, using electro physiological techniques, particularly transcranial magnetic stimulation, centres on brain physiology to quantify cognitive and motor impairments in the acute phase post-concussion, and chronic manifestations of repeated concussions associated with mental health and neurological impairment. With over 20 years experience in TMS and electrophysiology techniques, Alan also investigates neuroplastic changes following peripheral injury, balance disorders, exercise interventions and rehabilitation.

For media enquiries/speaking requests:

Ian Coutts (Coutts Communications)
+61 (0)411 107 889


  • 2017–present
    Adjunct professor, La Trobe University


  • 2001 
    UWA, PhD